August 2013

Leave Request Forms

Do your filing cabinets contain paper leave request forms for sick or annual leave (U0648)?  Do you know you can destroy record copies after 1 year?  Do you know that copies can be destroyed when no longer useful? If the employee does not keep a time sheet, this record must be kept for 3 years.

Recordings of Meetings

Do you create audio or video recordings of university meetings (U0105) and then create minutes from those recordings?  Do you know that you can destroy the recording 30 days after the formal written minutes are approved?

Student Worker Time Sheets

Have paper student worker time sheets (U0455) stashed away in a filing cabinet?  You can destroy departmental or unit copies when they are no longer useful.  The same can be said for work study files (U0466). 

Records Management: It’s the Law

In case you did not know, records management is governed by Kentucky Revised Statutes.